Low Price Sterling 5970-48PB Deluxe Shower Door 70H x 43-7/8 - 48-7/8W Pebble Glass Polished Brass
Kohler Sterling 5970-48PB Deluxe Shower Door 70"H x 43-7/8 - 48-7/8"W Pebble Glass Polished Brass Everything Sterling puts its name on is painstakingly designed and precision engineered to ensure excellence. From durable materials, such as VikrellTM or stainless steel, to the latest in innovative designs, our kitchen and bath products combine superior craftsmanship, dependable performance and style to enhance any decor. The Deluxe By-pass Shower Door brings a touch of tradition to the space, and offers dependable craftsmanship that's sure to highlight any bath for years to come. 48-7/8" x 70" Kohler Sterling 5970-48PB Deluxe Shower Door 70"H x 43-7/8 - 48-7/8"W Pebble Glass Polished Brass Features: One of Sterling's most popular door series Framed style Reversible top track and towel bar Smooth, quiet operation Limited 3-year warranty Sterling 5970-48PB Shower Doors Polished Brass
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